Although women constitute more than half of the country’s population, Nepal is considered to be one of the worst places in the world to be born as a woman. Especially, in the field of maternal mortality, Nepal’s performance has been pathetic. The female to male income ratio is 50:100, and the average literacy rate for females is 35%, in some part the literacy rate among the women being the nil!
The girls are still married at below ten years of age in some communities, and in some even before they are born! The median age for marriage still comes at an age of 17. Moreover, perhaps Nepal is one of world’s largest suppliers of women and girl children for sexual purpose – most of them being trafficked to the India brothels.
The issues related to women, however, have been identified in most of the case. There are hundreds of national and international organizations working in the medical, legal, social, political, and economic empowerment of women. Most of the organizations work through or by coordinating through Nepal Government’s Ministry of Women and Social Welfare. Still, given the magnitude of the problems related to women and girl children, immense work needs to be done in every sector.
Volunteers, especially, the female volunteers have been helping Nepali women through various organizations in Kathmandu and elsewhere in counseling and the empowering the women in need. You can also offer your expertise through community workshops on educating and training the local communities.